Schar School Office of Grant Development

Podcast Features Shafroth on Municipalities in Distress

Naoru Koizumi
Associate Dean of Research and Grants
[email protected]

Ryan J. Pryke
Senior Grants Administrator
[email protected]

Office of Grant Development
Schar School of Policy and Government
George Mason University

3351 Fairfax Drive, MSN 3B1
Van Metre Hall, 5th Floor
Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703.993.2280
Fax: 703.993.8215

The latest ABI Podcast features ABI Resident Scholar Kara Bruce speaking with George Mason University Prof. Frank Shafroth about Detroit and lessons to be learned from the current state of municipalities in distress.

Shafroth is the principal investigator for a study by George Mason’s State and Local Government Leadership Center titled “The Great Challenge Facing America’s Cities.” Shafroth talks about the study, which examines the financial situations of Detroit, Chicago, San Bernardino, Calif., Pittsburgh, Providence, R.I. and Baltimore to provide insights for municipalities that may face financial struggles in the future.

Listen to the podcast

November 20, 2013