Schar School Office of Grant Development

Grant Directory

Naoru Koizumi
Associate Dean of Research and Grants
[email protected]

Ryan J. Pryke
Senior Grants Administrator
[email protected]

Office of Grant Development
Schar School of Policy and Government
George Mason University

3351 Fairfax Drive, MSN 3B1
Van Metre Hall, 5th Floor
Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703.993.2280
Fax: 703.993.8215

Listed below are a variety of resources to assist Schar faculty in identifying and locating funding sources for research opportunities. Because these databases may include different funding opportunities, it is recommended that you use all that seem relevant to your interests. – This is a site maintained by the Federal government that has the ability to search for Federal government-wide grant opportunities.

Foundation Directory Online – This is a searchable database of grants, foundations, corporations, and public charities.

Philanthropy News Digest – Bulletin of funding announcements and requests for proposals in a variety of areas for organizations and academic institutions. May be searched by categories.

Chronical of Philanthropy – This provides grant announcements and requests for proposals in a wide variety of subject areas, particularly but not exclusively for institutional grantseekers.

Sponsored Program Information Network (SPIN) – This provides web based information resources and searchable databases for federal and non-federal funding opportunities. It includes the InfoEd Commerce Business Daily and a SPIN keyword thesaurus. It also provides listings of upcoming deadlines and allows you to customize your own e-mail notifications of funding information using SMARTS/GENIUS.

There are also funding opportunities intended for late postdoctoral investigators and new faculty, usually those at or below the rank of Assistant Professor, that Mason has put together here. Be sure to consult each program’s web page for more detailed information and current deadlines. You can also find more opportunities by using the SPIN database and including “New Investigator” in your search or you can select “Junior Faculty” under Applicant Types/Individual Applicant/Academia/Faculty Member.

Finally, there are limited submissions that Mason announces at times, which are posted on the Research Development website. These opportunities are major competitions are distributed by listserv notice to the Mason research community, and are also sent to the university Research Council, which is composed of Associate Deans for Research or others who serve in a similar capacity for their academic unit. These announcements identify the opportunity, give a brief description, provide a link to the funding agency’s site, and indicate all internal and external deadlines. For more information, please click here.

Fore direct access to other funders, see below.

National Science Foundation

National Institutes of Health

US Department of State

US Department of Transportation

US Department of Army

US Department of Air Force

Sandia National Laboratories

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development

Smith Richardson Foundation

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Russell Sage Foundation

World Wildlife Fund

Quanterion Solutions

Objective Area Solutions